Lottery Pool Strikes it Rich for $100 Million in 24 hours
Starting with a $1.75 Investment in the FeederMatrix
Sounds exciting! I know and that's why I chose this title but you read the headline and somehow, deep inside, you felt for a brief moment that this could be you. Then reality kicked in (the inner voice) and made you realize that you've fell for yet another blissful thought of making a vast amount of money in 24 hours with no effort on your part. But yet, many of us take the plunge into this type of foolery everyday, when we go to the store and play the lottery.
Now, the thought of winning millions with just $1 or $2 and picking 6 luck numbers plus a Powerball number has got to be the most exciting thing in the world. I mean you're gonna make millions of dollars and spend just a couple of bucks.
Well, we all know how that story goes. You sit anxiously in front of the TV just to watch the drawing and once it's over, you've realized that you didn't win and your dreams will just have to linger on for another day.
But does it have to end there, before you actually found out that you lost what did you do? You started making a mental list of all the cars, houses, and jewelry you were going to buy, the places you were going to travel, the people you were going to help and not help, and how you was going to tell your boss to kiss your hindparts as you walked out the door while waving two fingers or one finger in the air.
Now remember in the lottery, there are going to be many more losers than there are winners and you can't do anything about it. You can't buy enough tickets to even sway the odds in your favor. So why do you waste time spending money where the odds, my friend, are not in your favor? Because you are a dreamer, or maybe the lottery is a means to an end. You know that if you win not only will you be set for life but you know you will become one of the luckiest few to win on earth. Now how many people can say "I won the lottery."
Now here comes the FeederMatrix. The first thing I can tell you is that you won't make $100k in 24 hours and you won't make $100k in 30 days, 1 month, or even 3 months, not with a $1.75 investment. But what I can tell you, is that the system is designed for everyone who participates to successfully make money over and over again and it's PERFECTLY LEGAL. Just because you've never heard of it or done it doesn't make it illegal or impossible. Bottom-line: each person will make money based upon his or her personal efforts or the efforts of their sponsor who creates spillover for their team.
Below is a video made by my third level upline, Vickie Wooden, and my immediate upline Reginald Worthy. Watch the video.
Here are how all the odds stack up in your favor with this program:
Question 1: How many people do you know?
Question 2: How many people probably have $1.75 ( 7 quarters) laying around somewhere?
Question 3: How many people have a Paypal or SolidTrust account to send and receive payments?
The probability of a Yes is 2 out of 3 (66%) in the above scenario which means you only have a small chance of failure, but your odds of winning with the FeederMatrix is much higher than the lottery.
Here is the compensation plan explained in this next video:
The best way to remember the plan is to say the following:
My level one will pay me $1.75 when they join under me and I will receive 4 payments of $1.75
My level two will pay me $5 when they upgrade to level 2 and I will receive 16 payments of $5
My level three will pay me $10 when they upgrade to level 3 and I will receive 64 payments of $10
My level four will pay me $20 when they upgrade to level 4 and I will receive 256 payments of $20
Level 5 payments $40 are from Level 1 people who joined me. I will receive 4 payments of $40
Level 6 payments $80 are from Level 2 and I will receive 16 payments of $80
Level 7 payments $160 are from Level 3 and I will receive 64 payments of $160
Level 8 payments $320 are from Level 4 and I will receive 256 payments of $320
Remember your matrix doesn't have to be full to begin receiving these payments, just remember that each individual is a 1/4 of your total downline, so each leg is worth approximately $25k on it's own.
My link to sign-up is my rotator link for my downline:
Once you sign up, confirm your email and complete your upgrade to Level 1. Then contact me for one on one training and step by step instructions. My email address is and phone number is 618-777-6733 if you have any questions.
To your success!
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